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Дополнения для The Sims 2 и The Sims 3
Главная » 2009 » Ноябрь » 9 » TSR Launcher (бета-версия)
TSR Launcher (бета-версия)

The Sims ресурс создал новый инструмент: TSR Launcher ( в бета-версии), теперь файлы формата Sims3pack, можно установить без использования Sims 3 Launcher.

The TSR Launcher is a new tool designed to help you quickly install Sims3Pack files without using the Launcher provided by EA...

You again?! What now?
Yes, it's me, once again looking for testers. I have a new content installation tool, specifically aimed at helping people install Sims3Pack files. It allows a person to quickly install multiple Sims3Pack files at once, getting properly marked as CC, and without all that tedious mucking about with Mods\Packages or Resource.cfg files.

OK, I'm listening...
Yes, well now, let's give you some background (as if you didn't know!) about why the current custom content management scheme is horrible:

1) Requiring users to install content via the Mods\Packages system is tedious and requires a certain amount of skill. Thanks to the additional problem of multiple operating systems involved (XP, Vista, 7, Mac, etc.) it makes it especially difficult to ensure a smooth installation process regardless of the operating system the user is running.
2) Extracting content (be it a package or sims3pack) and putting it into Mods\Packages is quick, but it is not labeled as CC in the game, making it hard to identify.
3) To make things easier for the end-user, TSR has made all CC downloadable in .Sims3Pack files. This is a very good thing because it requires minimal skill. It's a bad thing, however, as it requires clicking each Sims3Pack, waiting 20-30 (or more) seconds for the game's installer to pop up, install, and finish before closing and repeating the process. This is horrible, especially if you download a set with 10+ items. (At least 3 minutes to fully install the content!)

Yeah yeah yeah, we know, so what's the solution?
One little known solution (seemingly, as I never see anyone talk about it) is that you can drag and drop a bunch of Sims3Pack files to the downloads folder, start the Launcher, checkmark all of the files, and install them at the same time. The game's installer pops up and installs the files all at once, so that whole set will only take 20-30 seconds of the installer loading one time and it'll be done!

HUZZAH! Let's all use the Launcher!
Well hold on a sec here... There's several problems with the Launcher:

1) If you mis-click and are off the edge of a checkbox by just a little bit, it selects that Sims3Pack and unchecks everything you just checked. This is particularly bad for people who have vision problems or problems moving the mouse.
2) The Launcher isn't the clearest in its GUI design as to how you should do things. (It took this long for me to even figure this out!)
3) Inability to filter. Beyond choosing the category, you cannot narrow the list down any further. (For instance, choosing to view only full-body outfits out of the entire list of CAS content.)

Hrmph. So what are we supposed to do then? Oh, right you want us to test something don't you?
Yes, yes indeed! What I've made is an alternative to the Launcher that actually still uses the game's installer (the blue thing with the plumbbob that pops up when you double click a Sims3Pack) so that you can easily install as many Sims3Pack files as you want at a time. (I've personally installed over 200 at once.)

Additionally, this tool will allow you to filter existing installed content down to a very fine level. For instance, you can choose Objects, then choose Storage.../Bookshelves. You can also easily choose to uninstall many pieces of content at once, just as you can choose to install several items at a time.

Sounds great! But this is where you tell us the catch, right?
Well, generally so, yes, but I'm pretty confident that I've caught the vast majority of the bugs. What I have left to tell you are minor details:

The Issue: The tool cannot (currently) see already installed content, so you pretty much have to run content through this tool first before it'll register as being installed, even if it already is. This is for many reasons, but primarily speed. Opening and navigating through the .dbc files manually would take far too long and is rather cumbersome.
The Workaround:You could, if you so choose, start the program and choose to "install" all the Sims3Pack files already in your Downloads folder. This wouldn't do any harm or install anything twice, as the game's installer will merely inform you that the content is already installed and continue on its merry little way. There will eventually be a wizard of sorts to do this without having to actually open the game's installer to get the content added to the program's database.

The Issue: The tool cannot read store content properly.
The Solution: Unfortunately there's no solution to this at the moment. Store content is specially encrypted, so we can pass the objects on to the game for it to read and install them just fine, but the content won't show up in your content list once it is installed as the TSR Launcher can't read them.

The Issue: The options in the subtype filter may come up as things like 0x00000002 or 0-80-10000000000.
The Solution: Congrats! You've found a piece of content that is a type I haven't isolated yet. I had to manually work out many of the content types and have missed some. If you discover one of these, please post the EXACT string that shows up in the filter (be careful not to miss any zeros!) and what category the content falls under.

That's it as far as issues go! See, told you, only a few small ones!

So what's it look like? What do I do? Should I be worried about this being a beta?
Screenshot and installer are attached! Grab the files below, set the two options once you start the program, and you should be good to go! This is a beta but it doesn't actually change any of the game's files. Once installed, if you choose, Sims3Packs will open with it. The way it works is that it moves the Sims3Packs to a "pending" folder in the same directory the program is installed in, then it will copy it to the downloads folder and call up the game once you initiate installation.

- Java version 6.0 or above
- Any flavor of Windows should work
- Mac not supported at this time (we're still working out some kinks...)

Special Thanks To:
- Echo, for the Postal library which is used to read the contents of .package files, and for putting up with my incessant bug reports.
- The FAs, SAs, and mods that put up with me and tested this early on.
- Everyone who will take the time to test this next. :)

Категория: Новости мира SIMS | Просмотров: 1865 | Добавил: kooll | Рейтинг: 5.0/2
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